The J's in J. Smith McDonald's
The J's in J. Smith McDonald's
John Smith Founder of J. Smith McDonald's takes great pride in passing the torch to his daughter and successor Jennifer St. John Smith. Both served side by side leading countless service teams in consistently serving up to 16 local communities for over 25 years.

Humble Beginnings
Humble Beginnings
"Zachariah 4:10"
"Zachariah 4:10"
Upon retiring from IBM J. Smith McDonald's Founder John Smith was eager to write the next chapter of his life. Little did he know his interest in owning a McDonald's franchise would lead him to serve another owner operator in Houston Texas for 3 years to qualify for acquiring his first location in the Denbigh Crossing area of Newport News, VA. Surely his success with McDonald's took him well beyond his wildest dreams owning as many as 16 locations within the Virginia Peninsula. Today over 25 years later his Stetson adorned presence still illuminates within the Peninsula communities as he embraces a well deserved retirement.
Beside every great Founder you will find a fiscally responsible Agent. John Smith was fortunate to merge his life-long love and business partner in one soft spoken yet impactful package. Mrs. Irene Smith serves as the organization's bookkeeper and keeper of the purse. This title is one that adorned her from the moment she shared with Mr. Smith that her saving and amazing stewardship of their resources had prepared them to take a leap of faith to acquire their first McDonald's location upon commencing their careers with IBM. Today she still insist on being the last person to leave the building at the end of each day despite our pleas for her to take some me-time. Matthew 6:21 reminds those of us that are privileged to serve in such a selfless organization that when all is said and done we wouldn't have it any other way knowing "For where your treasures are, there will be your heart also ".

The Golden Standard Continues
The Golden Standard Continues
Jennifer Smith proudly served along side her father for several years and is elated to have positioned herself to take the reigns enabling her father an official retirement to sincerely enjoy the fruit of his hard labor. After enjoying the hustle and bustle of where a MBA from Harvard traditionally would take you--From Wall-Street to the servant leader she is today. Jennifer would discover she was formed from a different mold created for a time such as this. Jennifer is a transformational Leader with a servant's heart that provokes her to maintain a high level of integrity and an equally high level of expectation for her Management team to reciprocate. Jennifer brings years of formal and informal experience she often leverage to coach and lead an agile team even in the midst of turbulent times. Jennifer some how finds the time to maintain a wonderful family and serve her community and the McDonald's brand in various capacities. Most importantly Jennifer leadership model is of an upside down pyramid where she consistently demonstrate honor to reside at the bottom, vowing to uphold everyone and everything above her.
Always seeking smiling faces to enhance our service teams
Always seeking smiling faces to enhance our service teams
For more questions and inquires, please call us now (757) 826-6100.
What our customers are saying!
What our customers are saying!